Monday, 10 October 2016

The Lord is good

Two weeks made quite the difference. From twice a week, to a postponed meeting, to hectic schedules, and shifts in priority. We walked into one of our member's home, and the words came, "It's been a long time." Their smiles grew rapidly, and infected our souls. Their recent burst in member-missionary work aided in our need to prioritize, push, and sleep well. We'd been busy. Still busy now.

Though, in those two weeks, contact had been shaky with a number of our investigators. Even though we still had many to see, we were growing angst for the others. With much prayer, pleading, and persistence, the Lord pulled through and softened their hearts - bettered the circumstances.

We found an old investigator at home during the pouring rain. Shocked to see us, he hurried us in. He was amazed to see, even in the rain, we continued forward. This must be important, he said.

Another family had their daughter sick, not eating, and not drinking. Coming at just the right time, we were able to share James' exhortation in James 5:14-15. They asked for us to give their baby girl a blessing. Afterwhich, we read with them Alma 32 to show them what the Book of Mormon was really about. They needn't be afraid of it. They needn't avoid it. It was about exercising faith, and learning to find out from God that we might find everlasting life.

During the lesson, their baby girl was crying. Shuffling around, her mom tried to feed her, and we noticed her succeed. She then drank water - the baby. Her father said, "God is good." And He is.

During this last week, we went over to a family's house Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday just to read the Book of Mormon. On Friday they shared that they wanted us to baptise them - and they didn't want to wait.

At a new lesson, we had the young man look me dead in the eyes and ask, "Who gave you your authority?" Without hesitation I replied, "Kevin Farquharson, who received it from Collin Bricknell, all the way back to Joseph Smith, and Peter, James and John, who received it from Jesus Christ Himself."
​It then went south when he replied, "Now you can give it to me."​
"Let's start small. How about getting baptised first?"
"I can do that," he said.

​​With these experiences, and more, I'm feeling the Lord's blessings all around. I'm seeing Him work with people day in and day out. He loves and cares for us. Sometimes we miss that, but when we see it's more than we could ever have imagined.

Even in our multilingual lessons, the Spirit is strong. Understanding is there. A few days back we spoke with a lady who knows very little English, and in the middle of the lesson her phone began ringing. She just sat on it. She wanted to hear the lesson, and she heard every word.

The Lord is good. He lives. And all He wants is for us to try - to come to Him.

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